Water Review

Members – It’s your Water Review!

I was a bit dubious when setting an assignment called water. It’s a bit random so I wasn’t sure what to expect. But as usual, you guys have stepped up to the mark and we received the most entries of any assignment so far. Firstly I have to say sorry that I can’t feature them all but I have chosen loads of my favourites and some pictures that have given me the opportunity to teach you a few tricks.

Watch the video and give me your thoughts in the comments. Enjoy 😊

To join in with these assignments please sign up to our TSOP Membership here.



© Frank Harley



© Gordon Melrose



© Haesel Dickson



© Israel Piedade



© Jeff Gittins



© Judy Brachi



© Julie Yates



© Mandy Short



© Mark Jenney



© Miranda Vandenbrande



© Noreen Thorn



© Patt Baggott


© Stephen Duffin


© Stuart Skinner


© Tino Munnich


Thank you to everyone who entered into this month’s theme, even if you’ve not been mentioned here, you’ve gone out and practised and from that you’ve learnt and taken another step forward in your photography journey. And remember these are ‘our’ favourites and in this subjective world of photography, your favourites are just as valid as ours.

To join in on our assignments become a TSOP Member here.

Thanks for watching and remember – Learn more at The School of Photography.