Street Portraits Review

Lovely members - Here's my review of your 'Street Portraits' assignment where I’ll be showing my favourite pictures and to help you improve your photography, I'll also be critiquing some of the images.

Loads of great entries last month! A really challenging assignment so well done to all that gave it a go. Even if you haven’t been picked here your photography will be better just for giving it a go, believe me!

Click below to watch the video and see our top pics.

Enjoy 😊To join in with these assignments please sign up to our TSOP Membership here.


©Alan Earle

©Alan Earle


©Andy Soar

©Andy Soar


Dave Booth

©Dave Booth



©Heather Sheldrick


©John Blowes

©John Blowes


©Julie Yates

©Julie Yates


©Michaele Wenemoser

©Michaele Wenemoser


©Noel Brathwaite

©Noel Brathwaite


©Katie Gilbert

©Katie Gilbert


©Kevin Donnison

©Kevin Donnison


©Phil Lane

©Phil Lane


©Noreen Thorn

©Noreen Thorn


©Pat Millett

©Pat Millett


©Rach Price

©Rach Price


Rick Luna

©Rick Luna


Samuel Gozna

©Samuel Gozna


Sharon Honey

©Sharon Honey


©Steve Elliott

©Steve Elliott


©Tim Wood

©Tim Wood


Thank you to everyone who entered into this month’s theme, even if you’ve not been mentioned here, you’ve gone out and practised and from that you’ve learnt and taken another step forward in your photography journey. And remember these are ‘our’ favourites and in this subjective world of photography, your favourites are just as valid as ours.

This month’s assignment is ‘Personal Projects’. To join in on our assignments become a TSOP Member here.

Thanks for watching and remember – Learn more at The School of Photography.