Portraiture Review

Hello members - It’s your Portraiture assignment review!

Firstly I have to congratulate all of you who entered this assignment. You can clearly see people learning and putting into practice all of the skills taught in the beginners course. In general, submissions were well composed, well lit, sharp, and used all the skills you would expect to create a good portrait. A proud teacher moment for me 😊

In this review I pick up on the best ones but more importantly, why they shine above the rest. I also give my thoughts on what a portrait should really be. Check out some of the fantastic examples from our members and as always, I’m sorry that I can’t feature them all. And don’t forget, if you’ve attempted the assignment, you’ve practiced your photography and pushed your art forward. That’s what’s really important!

Watch the video and give me your thoughts in the comments. Enjoy 😊



© Bryan Long



© Dan Drummond



© Emma Phipps



© Fi Goodall



© Glyn Roberts



© Izzobell Williamson



© Jennifer Illingworth



© John Rutherford



© Rikki Singh



© Sean Spence



© Steve Coomes


© Székely Zsolt Csaba


© Tony James


Thank you to everyone who entered into this month’s theme, even if you’ve not been mentioned here, you’ve gone out and practised and from that you’ve learnt and taken another step forward in your photography journey. And remember these are ‘our’ favourites and in this subjective world of photography, your favourites are just as valid as ours.

Thanks for watching and remember – Learn more at The School of Photography.