Minimalism Review

Lovely members - It’s your Minimalism assignment review!

What a fabulous style of photography minimalism is and I urge you all to try it if you haven’t done so already, it will change the way you look at your art! Some of the entry’s you guys have submitted are fantastic.

In this review all I have done quite simply is choose my favourites and tell you why. Now, of course this is a subjective medium so that doesn’t mean they are the best, if you guys think others were good, then let us know in the comments.

Let’s just remind you, Minimalist photography is a form of photography that is distinguished by extreme simplicity. It focuses solely on the smallest number of objects, and it is normally composed in a clean, clinical way with very little differences in the colours and tones of the image.

Check the fantastic examples from our members. As always, I’m sorry that I can’t feature them all.

Watch the video and give me your thoughts in the comments. Enjoy 😊



© Bryan Long



© Helen Ure



© Jo Walker



© Judy Brachi



© Maarten Venter



© Manogaran Durasamy



© Michelle Oosthuizen



© Miranda Roxanne



© Noreen Thorn



© Sue Doyle



© Tony James


Thank you to everyone who entered into this month’s theme, even if you’ve not been mentioned here, you’ve gone out and practised and from that you’ve learnt and taken another step forward in your photography journey. And remember these are ‘our’ favourites and in this subjective world of photography, your favourites are just as valid as ours.

Thanks for watching and remember – Learn more at The School of Photography.